We got Excellence award 2018 for best women cooperative of M.P from (NCDC) NATIONAL COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT CORPORTATION. | Excellence Women Cooperative Society of Madhya Pradesh first class award 2021 was give to President by (NCDC) NATIONAL COOPERATIVE

Honorable founder Mrs. Manorama Joshi had been established the SEWA (Self employed women’s Association) M.P in 01 May 1985.  SEWA registered under trade union. Initially, 200 working women established the Sewa and from its beginning it has been working for the entitlement of the self employed unorganized sector women and giving them benefits of the government schemes. It is a union and today scenario over 6 lakh 45 thousand women’s has connected. SEWA M.P. is working in 14 Districts in M.P.

SEWA union worked hard for problem solving of the women and as the result of this “Mahila Bachat Kosh” was established for their saving. At the beginning only five women deposit 2 rupees each in “Bachat Kosh”. Unorganized sector self employed women’s come together and took foundation of the Self employed Women Sakha  Sahakarity Maryadit in 1989 and form the 03 April 1986 started regular saving and loan accounts. Women were deposit 500 rupees as a share capital and 50 rupees admission fee.

Many a little makes a Mickle

It is drop by drop that an ocean is filled….

Smt. Manorama Joshi

The list of responsibilities that a woman has to bear is really very large. Since she is te axis of domestic life, she alone has to bear the load of domestic responsibilities on all fronts and all occasions. If everything is normal in the home all activities run smoothly but if the home is poverty- stricken even easy jobs appear difficult. This is the sad common lot of all women.

Sewa M.P in order to improve the hopeless conditions of poor labour-women of its organization inspired them to inculcate the habit of saving. Saving is the only means that can make them economically strong. A saving fund was therefore started in 1986. Though initially is doubted gel by virtue of truthfulness and honesty, it gained confidence of people. The poorest of the poor started saving a very small portion of their income every week and deposited it in the saving fund. They also started barrowing a loan from this fund in case of emergency. Sometimes the amount of loan exceeded their savings. However, this gave them a new direction of keeping away from the trap of the money- lender. Gradually the number of women members increased. In 1989 a Self- dependent Woman Credit Cooperative Society was registered, so that the saving fund activity might run legally and systematically....

Path of Progress

Mini Sharma

If women get the right direction in the true sense of the term, they do reach the summit of success by virtue of their perception and common sense. Such examples can be clearly seen among the members of Self-dependent Women Credit Cooperative Society of Indore. Unless women put their best foot out of their homes, they do not get any type of knowledge and experience. In fact, they have in them tremendous strength and common sense. Labour women living in cities were ignorant of cooperation. It is only after their association with Sewa organization, that they got a lot of legal information which awakened their souls.

These women actively participated in the organization of this cooperative institution and started depositing their small saving in the co-operative society. One by one they were soon united and availed themselves of the latest available information and training opportunities which enabled them to start their small scale business so that their family income might increase. They borrowed loans, both small and big, form this credit society and expanded their business to a very great extent. Impressed by their success more and more poor labour women of the area joined the credit co-operative society. Their role endeavours was to make timely repayment of their loan installments and save as much more money and they could. And when this process was honestly followed, the cooperative society increased by leaps and bounds.

Board Members