Smt. Manorama Joshi

Many a little makes a Mickle

It is drop by drop that an ocean is filled….

Smt. Manorama Joshi

The list of responsibilities that a woman has to bear is really very large. Since she is te axis of domestic life, she alone has to bear the load of domestic responsibilities on all fronts and all occasions. If everything is normal in the home all activities run smoothly but if the home is poverty- stricken even easy jobs appear difficult. This is the sad common lot of all women.

Sewa M.P in order to improve the hopeless conditions of poor labour-women of its organization inspired them to inculcate the habit of saving. Saving is the only means that can make them economically strong. A saving fund was therefore started in 1986. Though initially is doubted gel by virtue of truthfulness and honesty, it gained confidence of people. The poorest of the poor started saving a very small portion of their income every week and deposited it in the saving fund. They also started barrowing a loan from this fund in case of emergency. Sometimes the amount of loan exceeded their savings. However, this gave them a new direction of keeping away from the trap of the money- lender. Gradually the number of women members increased. In 1989 a Self- dependent Woman Credit Cooperative Society was registered, so that the saving fund activity might run legally and systematically.

Different categories of labour women bought its shares. In the beginning 55 women opened their accounts in the bank, depositing 1650 rupees once the society was registered, more and more women showed faith by depositing their saving in the bank and thus advancing the cause of cooperation day by day. Women employed in preparing bidi (tobacco roll), papad, garlands, envelopes, ready-made clothes, doing embroidery on cloth, selling vegetables and several other small scale jobs became its members. Women living in slums found it a boon for themselves. In the modern world there are innumerable jobs which women can do while sitting at home and earn their livelihood. But women lost in the perplexing whirlpool of domestic life and constantly struggling for two square meals a day find it almost impossible to start their small scale business simply because they do not have sufficient funds to do so and are compelled to wander aimlessly in the darkness of want and poverty. All such needy women as were determined to get rid of this, decided to follow the principles of cooperation in their lives and very soon some 18,000 women associated themselves with this self dependent credit cooperative society, borrowed loans of crores of rupees, started their own business and raised the society’s business turnover to the extent of 6 crores of rupees. Their sole endeavour was to increase their daily savings, collect a large amount of capital, borrow loan on it and ultimately enhance their returns.

Their hard work and craze for advancement in life resulted in cent percent re-payment of loans. The present book allows us to peep into the lives of a few hard-working women who gathered the priceless pearls of co-operation, shaped them in the beautiful garland and obtained domestic bliss and happiness.

Hearty congratulations and plenty of good wishes to all women.